Social Justice

The Social Justice Committee works to put the UUCF mission – seek answers everywhere, include everyone, live with compassion – into practice. We work to support organizations that promote social justice, equity, and compassion in accordance with the Unitarian Universalist Principles. We emphasize working with local, grassroots organizations in the Detroit metro area.

Nine UUCF social justice members pack backpacks for the homeless in 2020. Taken in UUCF dining hall, boxes filled with backpacks in front of the people.
Social Justice members pack backpacks for the homeless 2020

Our activities include raising awareness, engaging members and friends as volunteers, and offering both in-kind and monetary practical support.

In 2022, Social Justice led congregation members and friends who:

  • Participated in the UUA “Get Out the Vote” campaign by writing letters, knocking on doors, calling, and texting to encourage reluctant voters
  • Became recognized as one of only 24 UU Good Trouble Congregations for Get Out the Vote efforts
  • Raised funds for an organization that provides hand-knit sweaters to children and supports the local economy by purchasing the yarn and paying knitters locally in impoverished areas
  • Threw two baby showers for refugee mothers at Freedom House Detroit
  • In coordination with other local churches, raised funds in the annual CROP Walk against hunger
  • Participated in letter writing campaigns to our representatives to fight global hunger
  • Tutored children of immigrants in Southwest Detroit
  • Worked on the petition drives and campaigns for ballot proposals ensuring voting rights and reproductive freedom in Michigan
  • Engaged UUCF youth in activities, giving them an opportunity for deeper understanding of the importance of social justice work
  • Donated to an organization supporting those affected by the war in Ukraine and supplies to a local Ukrainian refugee family
  • Had a presence at local LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations and activities as a congregation