Upcoming Services
Bring a Friend Sunday
What's happening this year at UUCF? How are we learning and growing? On this first "Bring a Friend Sunday," come learn about the exciting challenges…
Invitation to Leadership
What does it mean to serve as a leader in a Unitarian Universalist congregation? This Sunday's Invitation to Leadership will help us explore leadership as…
Action Sunday
We will be finishing up our Get Out the Vote letters: stuffing, closing, and stamping. We will also be talking about all of the other…
Religious Education
UUCF offers a program for children and teens during the Sunday service. Our Religious Education Coordinator and volunteer staff engage…
Social Justice
The Social Justice Committee works to put the UUCF mission – seek answers everywhere, include everyone, live with compassion –…
Welcoming Congregation
We know that religious spaces haven’t always been welcoming places for all people, especially when it comes to gender and…
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