Unitarian Universalists (UU) have a diverse series of beliefs and draw from a wide variety of sources for spiritual growth and learning. On any given Sunday, you may hear a sermon focused on a particular faith tradition, on evolving sciences, on social justice initiatives, on the history of famous Unitarians, or on an individual’s personal experience. We do not censor speakers’ messages, but only that ask that the topic is in line with our principles.
Past sermons have included:
- Stoicism: The Perfect Pandemic Philosophy by Peggi Tabor PhD – reflections on Marcus Aurelius’s writings in today’s society
- Easter Reflections by Rev. Glenn Farley – a liberal intellectual approach to Easter in the UU faith
- The Power of Song by Matt Watroba – discussing the act of singing in community as a spiritual act, and how song can change people
- Desiderata: A Commentary by Rev. Ken Phifer – reflections on a well-known short writing by Indiana poet Max Ehrmann
- Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell by Paul Bailey – historical sermon on the first female doctor in America
- Humanist Voices in Unitarian Universalism by Terrence Madden – highlights the American Humanists Association’s (AHA) philosophy and how those ideas transformed the UU landscape in the Midwest
- Finding Your Practice by Margaret Sullivan – exploring spiritual practice search and the challenge of finding good teachers
- Being Woke from the Dream by Rev. Leonetta Bulgeisi – references reflections and actions from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s original “Dream” speech
- The Case for Cartoons by Elizabeth Knight – about the value of experiencing grief through movies
- Let It Go by Rev. John Considine – a service focusing on letting go of the past and focusing on new goals for a new year
Additional services can be found on our YouTube channel. Services are live streamed every Sunday at 10:30AM.