Upcoming Services
The Foundations of Our Social Action
What would a Unitarian Universalist do? Sometimes our congregations struggle with the tension between spirituality vs social justice. But what if they weren't in opposition…
Draw The Circle Wide
In honor of our theme of Inclusion, our guest speaker Sayed Mustafa, will share about the spirituality of Ramadan and how UUCF can be supportive…
Love in Action: Cultivating Trust in Community
Welcoming our new March Soul Matters theme of Trust, this multigenerational service will explore how we can build confidence in relationships with the community around…
Religious Education
UUCF offers a program for children and teens during the Sunday service. Our Religious Education Coordinator and volunteer staff engage…
Social Justice
The Social Justice Committee works to put the UUCF mission – seek answers everywhere, include everyone, live with compassion –…
Welcoming Congregation
We know that religious spaces haven’t always been welcoming places for all people, especially when it comes to gender and…

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